Which is the Strongest of All the Birds?

There was once a mother bird who had six sons ; all little brother birds. All of them would shout at once, boasting that they were the strongest birds in the world .

One day their mother saw a worm poking its head out of the grass . She caught it in her beak and pulled, and pulled, and pulled, but she could not pull it out. "Wait, mother, I'll help you," twittered her eldest son , "for am I not the strongest bird in the world?" They pulled and pulled, but they could not pull the worm out.
Her second son came flying up. "Wait, mother, I'll help you. I am stronger than the strongest of my brothers," he boasted. They pulled, and pulled, but they could not pull the worm out.
The third, fourth, and fifth brothers all flew up , and they pulled, and pulled, but they could not pull the worm out.

"What heroes you are," mocked the youngest of the brothers . "You will see that I am the strongest in the world." He stood at the end of the line.
They all pulled , but they could not pull the worm out.
Then a little bee caught hold of the last bird's tail. He was so small that they did not even notice him. He took hold of a feather , and they all pulled, and pulled, and finally pulled the worm out , and fell back onto the ground. "I am the strongest in the world!" shouted all the birds at once.

Do you think they were right?
~The End

Do not let the goblins see you!

This little knight shall take you back!

2001 NorseLady~AMS~DM
All rights reserved worldwide.